Monday 26 June 2017

Brush turkey chronicles

Yep. The dread brush turkey has appeared in my midst. They have always been around but this one is ready to do battle....and I am just the enemy he didn't see coming!!!

It is mid winter, oh feather brain one! You do not build your compound at this time of year. Seriously deluded, hen pecked or just not the brightest one out there but he is doing his best to build his lady friend a Taj Mahal replica.

This is not over, my friend....

Saturday 10 June 2017

Been awhile...

Yes. I have been away for a little while catching up with family and now I am settling in for my yearly sit at Avalon. It hasn't been the greatest of weather but with a view like this, I am so not complaining :)

Loving the long weekend too!